Advent Offering
“You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, which it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:14-16
Jesus Christ is the Light of the World and He is calling us to let our light shine, to be a people who are merry and bright that will praise the heavenly Father!
One of the ways Mt. Horeb has “let your good deeds shine” is through the annual Advent Offering. Over the past five years, the light has been shining bright! Mt. Horeb has given over 1.4 million dollars to stamp out human trafficking in Lexington County and India. We also have provided affordable housing in Lexington, Nepal, and Liberia. We believe the Church is the hope of the world, and the 2022 Advent offering will continue to make an impact both locally and globally.
This year our global partnership will be with our good friend Prasanth Bethu and his church in India. Their prayer is to build a brand-new church facility on land our church has already helped purchase. This new facility will be called Krupa Samajam (Grace Community) and have the capacity to seat 1,200 people. This new building is six times larger than their current building and will offer a safer place for ministry to children, expanded worship space, a kitchen and dining room, and office space. This will be such a blessing to the community and allow our partnership in India to continue to grow.
Our local partner will be Church of Deliverance in Springfield, SC. God has given a vision to one of our members to help this church construct a new sanctuary. We too believe God is calling us to partner with Rev. William Tyler III and his wife, Mary Tyler, as they minister to those in need in rural South Carolina. The current church building is in disrepair and our generosity will help to construct a new facility that will feature a large multi-use worship space, classrooms, and office space. This new church will allow the members of Church of Deliverance to continue to make an impact in their community.
You can give your Advent offering any time between now and the end of the year, however we have set Sunday December 18 as the date for the Advent Offering. You may also give online, through the church app, or envelopes will be provided in the services.
Thank you so much for your generosity and for being a part of a church that is being a light to the world!
May you have a Christmas that is merry and bright!

Church of Deliverance

Krupa Samajam (Grace Community)

We will begin accepting the Advent Offering on December 18th to the end of the year. To give, click here and select “Advent Offering.”