Young Adults

Better Together

Mt. Horeb’s Young Adult Ministry is dedicated to creating a welcoming and challenging environment for 18-35 years olds. We have two groups: Young Adults ages 18-25 and Young Professionals ages 26-35. Our goal is to integrate young adults into the life of the church while also creating unique ministry opportunities for them as well. In the Summer there are expanded opportunities.

Connect With Us


Young Adults Study (Ages 18-25)

Join us for dinner, fellowship, and study every Thursday night. Email us for the location.

Thursdays | 6:30 PM

Young Professionals Small Group (Ages 26-35)

This small group will share a meal, fellowship and do a study together. We will rotate the location in homes of our members each week. Email Chandler Crocker for more info.

Thursdays | 7:00 PM