All of us, whether we admit or not, are just looking for places where we can fit in. We are looking for people and places where we can be ourselves and just be accepted unconditionally.
Well we believe that place is here with Mt. Horeb Students. So welcome home! Here, YOU ARE FAMILY. We all have experienced a different family of origin, or home life. Some may have been great, warm, fuzzy and encouraging, while others may have experienced hurt, heartache and there are painful memories associated with your family.
In Scripture, however, we are taught that we can be members of God’s family, and become sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty. As our first series this fall, we want to learn how to be a community that treats one another like family.
We may not always agree, but we want to learn to love like family, fight like family and ultimately live like family.
Week 1 – 9/9 & 9/13
LOVE Like Family – Palmer Dill
When we decide to follow Christ, we become members of His family. And we are to treat others as members of that family. The first step into a healthy family is to love one another. This is always easier said than done, so this week we are going to look at 3 ways the story of the Prodigal Son teaches us to LOVE Like Family.
Also before we can treat others like family, we must first be members of that family. We want to also give students and opportunity to respond to being part of God’s family.
Luke 15:11-31
Week 2 – 9/16 & 9/20
FIGHT Like Family – Palmer Dill
If you have been part of a family for more than five minutes, you know that there will be some disagreements, and even some fighting. God knew that when we would join with other believers, there would be some differences in opinions, beliefs and in thought processes. Sometimes, we will fight.
We want to learn, however, to be students who can disagree, and even fight sometimes, but to fight fair. To disagree, but to still love, and to daily choose this. We will talk about how to deal with healthy conflict.
Colossians 3:12-15 | Psalm 103:10-13
Week 3 – 9/23 & 9/27
LIVE Like Family – Daniel “stallion” Stevanus
Ultimately a family lives life together. Through shared experiences, memories, vacations, celebrations and the routine of everyday life, they live together. This seemingly mundane task is actually what God designed to produce growth in our spiritual lives.
We need other believers to sharpen us, challenge us, call us out. And if we do this with people who we have deep love for, it can be a great way to grow.
Proverbs 27:17 | Psalm 133:1 | Romans 12:4–5