VICTOR: Jesus Over Everything

In life there are seasons we go through where we take loss after loss. Life seems to find a way to keep punching, and we can’t seem to catch a break. These are seasons where we search for just a little silver lining or some kind of hope that things are going to get better.
The good news is that in we can find eternal hope in story of Jesus Christ. This helps us put the trials we face into perspective. In the life of Christ, his death, and his resurrection we see that Christ reigns victorious above all things—even against sin in death.
In this series, Victor: Jesus Over Everything, we are going to look at some big and sometimes even scary things that Jesus has defeated, and ultimately that He then extends His victory to us. We will see that Jesus has given us victory over FEAR, TEMPTATION, SHAME/JUDGEMENT, and over SIN/DEATH.
This week we will be looking at the story of when Jesus calmed the storm in Matthew 8. In this story we see the disciples, blinded by their fear met by Jesus, who calms the storm simply by speaking. We see through Jesus’s power that He has ultimate victory over fear, and he bestows that victory upon us as well when we surrender our fear to him.
Week 1: 11/3 & no 11/7 (worship night at Northside) – Palmer Dill
Scripture: Matthew 8
During Week 2 of this series, we will be looking at the story of Jesus’s temptation in Mathew 4. In this story we see Jesus actively living out His victory over temptation. We see a practical response to temptation through His use of the Word, and how through Jesus we can have victory over temptation as well.
Week 2: 11/10 & 11/14 – Palmer Dill
Scripture: Matthew 4
This week, we will be looking at the story of the woman caught in adultery found in John 8. We see her in a moment of deep shame, as her community condemns her for what she has done. But Jesus’s response is contrary to what His society would expect. Instead of contributing in her condemnation, He gives her victory over her past, shame and judgment. Through Christ, we can find the same victory.
Week 3: 11/17 & 11/21 – Daniel “stallion” Stevanus
Scripture: John 8
For the last week of this series, we will be looking at Jesus’s arrest in John 18. This is a place in Scripture where it seems Jesus’s life is taken from him as He is led to His crucifixion. However, we see that this is actually a moment that He hands His life over. In this story we see ultimate victory as Jesus defeats sin and death. Just as fear, temptation and shame, we receive victory from sin and death through Jesus’s victory as well.
Week 4: 12/1 & 12/5 – Palmer Dill
Scripture: John 18