Summer Schedule

Parents and Students!
We are in the heart of summer, and these temperatures certainly remind us of that. With all our changes of plans and cancellations due to COVID-19 it has been hard to keep up with what is or isn’t being offered for students and families. So on July 1st we announced our Summer Season 2020 schedule and here is a brief explanation of all that we are doing!
Check it out, sign up your students, and reach out to us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.
We are so excited to be able to continue to bring God’s word to our students through a virtual Bible Study over the next six weeks! Meetings will take place on Zoom with Stallion, Bryce, and Palmer once a week beginning the week of July 8th and ending the week of August 12th.
In order to join, sign your student up here and they will receive a secure Zoom link each week for the study.
6th graders with Stallion
Tuesdays 2-3pm | July 7th – August 11th
Rising 6th graders! Join Stallion for a study on 5 core Bible passages to keep with you as you enter this new phase of middle school life! This will be a time of fun, fellowship, and learning about God’s Word. These meetings will take place through Zoom on Tuesdays from 2:00 – 3:00pm
Looking forward to seeing you there!
7th – 8th graders with Bryce Holdman
Wednesdays 6-7pm | July 8th – August 12th
Rising 7th and 8th graders, our very own Middle School Coordinator Bryce Holdman, will be leading a 6-week study on the book of Jonah each Wednesday night from 6:00 – 7:00pm through Zoom. Come learn what God has to say to us as he speaks through this prophet. We cannot wait to connect and interact with you again through this time of fun and fellowship, as well as learning from God’s Word.
9th – 12th graders with Palmer Dill
Sundays 7-8pm | July 12th – August 16th
Rising High Schoolers! Starting next Sunday, our new High School Coordinator, Palmer Dill, will be doing a Bible study on the book of Ephesians over Zoom. This is going to be a fun, interactive time for us to get to know each other, to go deeper in God’s word, and to encourage each other! We will meet every Sunday from 7:00 – 8:00pm
We have always encouraged students to stay engaged with us on social media, and this Summer we are continuing to engage with them there! Most of you know by now that you can follow us on Instagram, but now we are also on YouTube. Here’s what we are doing this summer…
On our insta, your student can find things like encouraging verses, throwback videos as well as any updated information about when we will re-open and decide things for the fall season.
Also we will be introducing 3 new shows on our instagram each week.
Meet Palmer. A vlog show where our new High School coordinator will ask students to vote their favorite Lexington hotspots. He will then visit and evaluate the spot with the highest ratings.
Deep DIVE! It’s important that we use this summer to grow in our spiritual walk with Christ. We don’t want to be infants in our faith, but maturing believers. Bryce and some others will lead us in getting out of the kiddie pool and DIVING Deep into our faith this summer.
Cooking Italian, with Stallion. Our favorite Italian chef is back, and he will be teaching us some simple Italian recipes. You and your students can follow along at home, or simply learn what to order the next time you are out for Italian food.
For the past 15 weeks we have had Online Programming over on our YouTube channel. Each week has some fun and games, a worship element and an encouraging Word from the Bible. Maybe you missed a few episodes, maybe you had no clue or maybe you watched every. Single. Episode. Head over to catch up, binge watch, or re-watch some of your favorite episodes. Here are some of our faves:
Ep 006 – was our Oscar Night with homemade videos submitted by our students
Ep 008 – we taught students some Italian phrases for Mother’s Day
Ep 013 – we met Palmer Dill for the first time, and
Ep 015 – when Palmer taught for the first time
Parents, our new High School Coordinator, Palmer Dill, would like to meet you and talk a little bit about where his heart is in Student Ministry. Come learn a little about him and get a chance to have an open discussion about how he can help your child to grow their relationship in Christ.
You can choose the time that is most convenient for you.
- Thursday, July 9 at 7:00 PM using this link
Meeting ID: 851 8401 5376 Password: 214165 - Tuesday, July 14 at 7:00 PM using this link
Meeting ID: 818 3911 3398 Password: 424034
This will be a brief time to hear from Palmer, and then he will dismiss everyone but will stick around to answer any Questions you may have…
We understand that these are unprecedented times. The state of the world right now is hard to understand and process for us as adults, let alone for our students.
Studies are beginning to show some of the negative impacts that Covid-19 is having on young people. Staying inside, the change of routine, the uncertainty of everything… If your child is having a hard time during this season or you are noticing some changes in them and would like to talk, please reach out to us.
We would love to talk through what is going on in your family. If we can offer advice, from a student ministry perspective or even just encouragement, we are here for you. Call, text, email us and let’s set up a time to talk.
Amplify is an online, 3 week Student Worship Summer Course tailored specifically for those who serve on the Student Worship team, as well as those who are interested in joining the team.
It will kick off July 12 and run through the end of the month. Participants will have access to instrument-specific and vocal-specific instruction presented by Contemporary Worship team members, as well as virtual calls to offer a space for any questions to be answered. There will also be MD (Musical Director) training available. Other topics covered will include music theory/numbers, practice, preparation, setting the tone off-stage and building up the team. The purpose of Amplify is to invest in the spiritual and musical development of the present and future members of the Student Worship Team.
For more information or to register, please contact Alex Killman
We know your students are home and playing a lot of video games. In our quest to reach them all, we will be joining the ranks of online video streaming. So we are headed to Twitch. This is new territory for us, so we will learn as we go. Right now our plan is to stream for a few hours on Friday and call it Fortnite Friday. We will advertise the time on social media.
If your students like Fortnite, tell them that we will be posting when we go live, and they can find it at