Student Ministry Calendar SUMMER ’22


SPORTS 1:00-2:30 PM at Mt. Horeb fields (June 6, 27; July 18, 25; August 1)
Join us this summer for some summer sports! It might be soccer, it might be baseball, it might be frisbee, but it WILL BE FUN! We’ll meet each time at Mt. Horeb, have a refreshing snack for your child and all skill levels are welcome!
Middle School Bible Study 5:30-7:30 PM at Mt. Horeb (June 7, 14, 28; July 5, 19, 26; August 2)
This summer we will be hosting a middle school Bible study at the church. This will be a great time to dive into Scripture together, ask great questions and spend time with friends. We will provide each student with a Journal Bible and some writing utensils. Dinner will be provided!
Middle School Prayer Meeting 10-11 AM at Chick FilA (June 10, 17; July 8, 22, 29; August 5)
We are launching prayer meetings this summer! This differs from a Bible study in the sense that we want to get students together to teach and empower them to pray for their friends, family, community, schools and this ministry. We believe that prayer is powerful and are so excited to start this with students! The MS Prayer time will be held at Lexington CFA (by Walmart), bring $$ for breakfast.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL and VBX at Mt. Horeb (June 13-16)
Our church will be busy this week with VBS! If you are a rising 7th or 8th graders, we hope you would join as a crew guide helper or volunteer in a department on campus. For all you rising 6th graders, be sure to register for VBX. This is the 5th grade elementary class and this year you will be hanging out with student ministry during this time (available for am and af only). Sign up to participate or volunteer at
Middle School Mission Trip (June 19-25)
This summer we are headed to Kentucky for our annual Middle School Mission Trip! We will be helping a community build a worship center, as well as spending time in worship and fellowship with other groups. This will be an incredible opportunity to learn and serve as a team. If you have not yet signed up for this trip, please contact
Middle School Carowinds Trip (June 28)
Who loves rollercoasters??? We are headed to Carowinds in Charlotte on June 28th! Admission to the park is $45—bring money for lunch and dinner as well! *Be aware Carowinds recently went CASHLESS, so students cannot bring cash to pay for admission or meals inside the park, they will need a debit/credit card. We are happy to help with holding this for your child throughout the day.
Middle School Kickball Tournament 9 AM at Mt. Horeb fields (July 9)
We will be hosting a middle school kickball tournament on July 9th! Come ready for competition, lots of fun and some awesome summer surprises—and maybe wear something you don’t mind getting messy in! Don’t need to be athletic to join.
Crossroads Summer Camp (July 11 – 15)
We’re headed to camp! We will be away for the week at Anderson University for Crossroads Summer Camp. This camp is hosted by our friend and pastor Clayton King and will be a great opportunity for your child to have a blast and grow spiritually. If you are interested in attending, check if spots are still open by visiting
SNL – Summer Night Live 6-8 PM at Mt. Horeb UMC (June 8, July 20)
We first launched SNL summer 2021, and this year, we are back! Join us for a combined MS and HS night of games, snacks, surprises, Bible teaching and worship. We are excited to gather together, just a few times throughout the time this summer to worship and grow together.
B2SB – Back to School Bash 6-8 PM at Mt. Horeb UMC (August 19)
Join us for our annual Back to School Bash! A time for all middle schoolers to come and celebrate the completion of their first week of school. We will have inflatables, games, music, outdoor entertainment and food for purchase at this all out bash! All middle schoolers are welcome, this is a perfect time to invite a friend!
Fall Kickoff 6-8 PM in Student Room (August 21)
Our Programing year start will kick off this Sunday evening with merch for purchase, vision casting for the year and high energy worship and teaching in our Student Room. This will be a combined event with our High School Ministry. Surprises, snacks and giveaways will be a part of this night as well.
First night of Programming 6:00-7:30 PM in Student Room (August 24)
Wednesday night programming for church starts back up this night. That means Middle Schoolers in the Student room, kids in the Children’s wing of the new building, classes for adults and High School Programming that following Sunday Night.
SMALL GROUPS (the week of 9/4 various times and locations)
Save the date, mark your calendars, because back by popular demand are Small Groups. These will meet in various locations and times, so stay tuned for this, but just know that after Labor Day, we are starting these back up!

High School Sports at Mt. Horeb Fields 3:00-4:30 PM (June 6, 20; July 18, 25; August 1)
Join us this summer for some summer sports! It might be soccer, it might be baseball, it might be frisbee, but it WILL BE FUN! We’ll meet each time at Mt. Horeb, have a refreshing snack for your child and all skill levels are welcome!
High School Bible Study and Lunch at Mt. Horeb to start 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM (June 9, 23; July 7, 21, 28; August 4)
This summer we will be hosting a high school Bible study at the church. This will be a great time to dive into Scripture together, ask great questions and spend time with friends. We will meet at the church café, teach our Bible study, and then head to lunch together. Drop off and pickup will be at Mt. Horeb each time. Bring $$$ for dinner.
Our church will be busy this week with VBS! If you are a rising 9th or high school student we hope you would join as a crew guide helper or volunteer in a department on campus. Sign up to volunteer at
High School Carowinds Trip (June 22)
Who loves rollercoasters??? We are headed to Carowinds in Charlotte on June 22th! Admission to the park is $45—bring money for lunch and dinner as well! *Be aware Carowinds recently went CASHLESS, so students cannot bring cash to pay for admission or meals inside the park, they will need a debit/credit card.
High School Mission Trip (June 26-July 2)
This summer we are headed to Tennessee for our High School Mission Trip! We will be helping with some local missions work and community projects. This will be an incredible opportunity to learn and serve as a team. If you have not yet signed up for this trip, please contact
Crossroads Summer Camp (July 11 – 15)
We’re headed to camp! We will be away for the week at Anderson University for Crossroads Summer Camp. This camp is hosted by our friend and pastor Clayton King and will be a great opportunity for your child to have a blast and grow spiritually. If you are interested in attending, check if spots are still open by visiting
White Water Center (July 26th)
We will head to the White Water Center in Charlotte, NC with our high school students. This event will cost $75 and includes lunch as well as ticket in to all activities. You will need to bring extra $$ for snacks and one meal on the way home.
Fall Kickoff (August 21st 6:30-8:00 PM)
Our Programing year start will kick off this Sunday evening with merch for purchase, vision casting for the year and high energy worship and teaching in our Student Room. This will be a combined event with our High School Ministry. Surprises, snacks and giveaways will be a part of this night as well.
First night of Programming (August 28th 6:30-8:00 PM)
Sunday night programming for highschoolers starts back up this night. That means outside hang out, Student room, and lots of great worship, teaching and fun.
SMALL GROUPS (the week of 9/4 various times and locations)
Save the date, mark your calendars, because back by popular demand are Small Groups. These will meet in various locations and times, so stay tuned for this, but just know that after Labor Day, we are starting these back up!