Fall 2020 Reopening Plan

That’s right friends, the rumors are true, Student Ministry is opening back up! We are so excited and cannot wait to be hanging out with everyone again soon.
Of course with coming back there is some important information that everyone needs to know and abide by to help us keep our time organized, clean and safe for everyone.
After meeting as a youth staff, hearing from our parents and consulting with our church leadership, we have devised the following plan.
Our Fall Kick Off will be on Wednesday, September 2nd in our Contemporary Auditorium. This event will be for students 6-12th grades and their parents. This will be a time to worship together, pray for the coming school year and hear about the vision of our student ministry for the coming year and be encouraged by God’s Word together.
Kick off will be from 6-7:30PM with a hangout time outside for the first 20min with doors opening at 6:20 for people to enter the Auditorium. EVENT STARTS AT 6:30pm
***We ask that you would enter the Auditorium from the East Entrance (by the breezeway/courtyard area)
Our regular Wednesday night programming schedule will begin on Wednesday, September 9th and continue every week until the 18th of November.
The new time for Wednesday Programming will be 6:15-7:30PM and will take place in the Auditorium.
This will be our worship service like students are used to where we will have a time of worship through music, some fun and games and relevant teaching of God’s Word.
Our regular Sunday night programming schedule will begin on Sunday, September 13th and continue every week until the week before Thanksgiving.
The new time for Sunday Programming will be 6:45-8:00PM and will take place in the Auditorium.
This will be our worship service like students are used to where we will have a time of worship through music, some fun and games and relevant teaching of God’s Word.
So much has changed over the course of the past few months. Coming back can only happen if we follow the guidelines below. Please take a moment to read and understand these and discuss them with your teen before sending them back. If you or your children have any questions about the guidelines, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us and ask.
We will be following and enforcing these guidelines. If you feel your child will not be able to follow these guidelines for any reason, we ask that you would consider having them attend virtually. We will be providing a livestream option of both services for students who do not feel comfortable icoming back on campus or because they can not meet the guideline requirements.
- Please self-screen for COVID symptoms before coming to church
- Students will be required to wear a mask at all times when in the building (we will provide 1 reusable student ministry mask for the season, but will have disposable ones on hand each week should a child forget theirs)
- All surfaces will be sanitized before the arrival of students and after they have left
- Students will be seated 6ft apart in individual seats
- Entry to our building will be a “hands free” experience for our students
- All students must check-in upon arrival by stating their first and last name to our leaders who will pull up their info in our system
- Students will then receive a colored wristband corresponding with a specific seating section
- Doors will open 10 minutes before the service starts and small groups of students will enter and be seated in the color section corresponding to their wrist band
- At the end of the night, students will be dismissed by sections
- There can be no physical contact such as hugging, high fives, or fist bumps (our volunteers will be helping encourage and model this as well)
- There will be no food, drinks or snacks before, during or after our gatherings. If any exceptions are made, it will be items that can be wrapped/packaged for each individual student. The Cafe will remain closed.