New Series for Student Ministry

In the month of October, we will be starting our second of our three sermon series for the fall. From the 2nd to the 23rd students will be learning about Jesus and who He is for them.
Everyone around here has probably heard of Jesus. Students might even think they know a lot about Him. We all have some idea of who we think Jesus is. We might think of Him as a nice guy, a great teacher, a carpenter, or a guy who could walk on water . . . but who is Jesus really?
In this 4-week series, we’ll look at what other people have said about Jesus, along with some key moments in Jesus’ life and ministry and even Jesus’ own words, to help us see that Jesus is God, Savior, truth, and our friend.
Week 1 – 10/2 & 10/6
Jesus is GOD – James Ricker
This week, you’ll look at an interaction Jesus had with His disciples, as well as the moment He healed and forgave a paralyzed man. In this story, Jesus essentially is saying about Himself: He’s God. And if Jesus is God (and we believe He is), it changes everything. Our hope is to help students see that Jesus really is God.
Matthew 16:13–16; Mark 2:1–12; II Corinthians 5:17
Week 2 – 10/9 & 10/13
Jesus is TRUTH – Daniel “stallion” Stevanus
Several times Jesus called Himself the truth, and the truth of Jesus can set us free. Sometimes we read a fake news headline and totally think it’s real. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between a lie and the truth, but Jesus seemed to think knowing the truth was pretty important. In John 14:6, Jesus made a pretty bold claim about what is true. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” That’s a pretty controversial statement. But Jesus gave us Himself, and invited us to get to know Him.
John 8:32, 14:1-7, 18:28-38; Psalm 25:5
Week 3 – 10/16 & 10/20
Jesus is FRIEND – Anna Wills
In the Bible, we read a lot about Jesus’ disciples. At first, they followed Him because they wanted to learn from Him, but they became some of Jesus’ closest friends. In John 15, Jesus talks to His friends about friendship. He says the greatest thing someone can do for their friend is to lay down their life for them. And do you know what happened next? Jesus did just that. He gave up His life to save His friends — including all of us. We may not have ever felt close enough to Jesus to call Him our best friend, but that’s the kind of relationship He’s inviting everyone into.
Matthew 14:28-31, 28:19-20; John 15:12-17
Week 4 – 10/23 & 10/27
Jesus is SAVIOR – Bryce Holdman
This week, we’ll look at the angels’ announcement of Jesus’ birth, as well as Jesus’ interactions with Zacchaeus, to help students see that Jesus is our Savior, both now and forever. Zacchaeus was a bad guy. He’d gotten rich by stealing from others. But when Zacchaeus met Jesus, his life changed instantly. He recognized the wrong he’d done, gave half of his stuff to the poor, and paid back everyone he stole from. In an instant, Jesus saved Zacchaeus from his sins and his past behavior. But that’s not all. Jesus saved Zacchaeus for something too. Jesus came to seek and save the lost, not only so people would someday go to heaven when they die, but so that people’s lives would be changed right now too!
Because that’s who Jesus is: He’s our Savior.
Luke 2:10–20, 19:1-10; Ephesians2:8-9