Fall is a wonderful time of the year. Leaves start to change, the weather cools down, and we start move at a different pace than we did in the summer. With fall comes camping trips and backyard hangouts and of course, campfires. We all remember those times as kids where we gathered around a roaring fire, maybe roasting a marshmallow, and then when all was quiet, someone started to tell a ghost story.
In this series we want to gather round, lean in close, and tell stories about the Holy Spirit. We’ll look at the how the Holy Spirit works, his power, his ability to comfort us in our pain, and how the Holy Spirit guides us. So lets light a fire, pull up a seat, and listen as we tell some Holy Ghost Stories.
Week 1 – 9/30 & 10/4
The Spirit IN Us – Daniel “stallion” Stevanus
The book of Acts is when we see the arrival of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:8 Jesus says that the disciples would receive power when the Spirit would come upon them. In the Old Testament we see time and time again when the Holy Spirit came upon people of influence like kings and prophets and provide power for them.
After Jesus’ ascension to Heaven, the Holy Spirit arrives and now begins to indwell in the follower of Christ. And the power that was seen throughout the Old Testament is the same power that we have access to, inside of us, to accomplish the goal of reaching the nations for Christ.
Acts 1:1-8, Acts 2
Week 2 – 10/7 & 10/11
The Spirit Comforts Us – Palmer Dill
We will look at the famous story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal. After a tremendous display of power by the Spirit, we see the servant of God find himself at an all time low. It is in this difficult state, however, that the Spirit of God meets him and comforts him in his difficult time.
And if that same Spirit is living in the us, the believer, then that comfort is accessible to us as well, in our times of need.
1 Kings 19:1-18 | Romans 8:26
Week 3 – 10/14 & 10/18
The Spirit Leads Us to Truth – Trevor Miller
Whenever we think about Salvation of souls, and people entering into a relationship with God, we must understand that the Holy Spirit is at work. In the book of Acts, in more than one place, the Spirit prompts people to have conversations or to seek out truth.
The truth is we are all searching for something, and it’s truth. And the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch reminds us that as we seek that truth, the Holy Spirit will help reveal that truth to us.
Acts 8:26-40 | Matthew 7:7-12
Week 4 – 10/21 & 10/25
The Spirit Changes Us – Daniel “stallion” Stevanus
When we enter into a relationship with Jesus, our life should begin to show evidence of change. Real change, transformation, can come only through the work of the Holy Spirit living inside of us.
We see this played out most clearly in the story of Saul, becoming Paul. He has an encounter with the Spirit that changes him forever. A man who persecuted followers of Christ, now becomes one himself. And the change in his life is so drastic that it can only be credited to a supernatural work in his life.
Acts 9