Best WKND Ever Vol. 3

We are excited for the Best WKND Ever vol. 3!
We will open our doors from March 10-12 for an event designed with Middle School and High School students in mind. We will have high energy large group sessions with guest speaker, Matt Densky, incredible worship, fun meals, intentional hangouts, exciting activities and much more! There will be specific activities for MS and HS students and then they will come together for our sessions.
It truly will be the BEST WKND EVER!
Cost is $65 | This includes 4 meals, t-shirt and activities.
Be sure your child invites a friend!
Friday, March 10
6:30 pm – Check-In Begins
7:00 pm – SESSION 1
9:30 pm – Middle School Dismissal
9:30 pm – High School Late Night Activity
11:00 pm – High School Dismissal
Saturday, March 11
9:30 am – Breakfast
10:00 am – SESSION 2
12:00 pm – Lunch
1:00 – 4:30 pm – Middle School Afternoon Activity
1:00 – 4:30 pm – High School Afternoon Activity
5:30 pm – Dinner
7:00 pm – SESSION 3
9:00 pm – Night Activity
11:00 pm – Dismissal
Sunday, March 13th
9:00 am – Middle School and High School attend Contemporary Service together*
10:15 am – Breakfast in Student Room
10:45 am – SESSION 4 (final session)
12:00 pm – Dismissal
*Please wear your t-shirt to service on Sunday

Matt Denksy is joining us this year for the Best WKND Ever vol. 3 as our guest speaker.
Matt graduated with his Mdiv from Columbia International University in 2012 and began working at Mt. Horeb. He worked with High School Students and then became the Student Ministry Director. In 2016 he became the Student Pastor at a church in Greenville and has continued to work with students there since.
Matt is an incredible teacher of God’s Word helping students understand the Bible clearly and apply it to their own lives.
This weekend will be centered around the life of Peter in Scripture. Peter is the disciple that so many of us easily identify with because of his ability to speak and act before he thinks. His life is also marked by some significant highs and lows during his time with Jesus that many of us can relate to. His story ends, ultimately, with an incredible display of GRACE on behalf of Jesus that gives us much hope.
We trust the journey through Peter’s story would be one of great encouragement for our students and all that they are facing today.
- What is the Best WKND Ever Vol. 3?
This is a weekend long event for the Middle and High School Students of Mt. Horeb UMC and their friends. The weekend will consist of large worship sessions as well as times of fun, hanging out, open and structured free times and sharing meals together. - Why Vol. 3?
Because we are now 3yrs in the making. What started out of necessity during COVID in 2020 has been a success and we are excited to continue to build off of the momentum we see each year. - How long will this event last?
The weekend will kick off on Friday evening with our check in, Session 1 and our late night activity for High School Students. Saturday we’ll have sessions in the morning and evening and then activities throughout the day and at night. Sunday morning students and volunteers will attend church together and then have a final 4th session together in the Student Room. - Will students spend the night at church or in host homes?
Due to the number of attendees, will not be providing housing arrangements for students to sleep at the the church or in host homes. We do, however, encourage students and families to arrange for sleepovers and group hangouts provided you can do so safely. - Will Middle School and High School Students be together or separate?
This event is designed for both middle and high school students. Sessions will be held together with separate seating for MS and HS students. We believe that we can provide a great and well thought out worship experience for both groups to enjoy at the same time. When it comes to meals, activities and hang outs, however, we will be separating the two groups. The goal is for both age groups to feel welcomed, invested in, and excited for an environment curated for them. - Who will be speaking for this event?
Our speaker this year is Matt Densky. Matt was the director of Student ministry at Mt. Horeb between 2015 an 2016. He has been the student pastor for church in Greenville since he left Mt. Horeb. Matt and Stallion were both roommates and best friends in college and we believe that this series on the life of Peter will truly bless and challenge our students. - What does the event cost $65?
The registration fee covers all expenses for the weekend including activities, t-shirt and 4 meals during our time together. 4 meals include breakfast, lunch, dinner on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. - What will the sessions look like?
Each session will be a high energy experience. We will have some incredible times of worship, relevant teaching from the Bible through our guest speaker but also we will have a lot of fun, games, videos, giveaways and more.
This will be like a Wednesday or Sunday night programming -on steroids! - What will the free time look like?
We will have some structured free time through out our time together, like our Friday and Saturday evening activities as well as Saturday afternoon. There will be some free time before the start of each session where students can hang out and play some of our outdoor games as well as sit and talk with friends. - What will Sunday morning look like?
Sunday morning we will be joining our church and attending our Contemporary Services together with our BWEv3 t-shirt. After the 9am dismisses we will head to the student room for breakfast together.
After that, when the 10:45am starts we will have one last, final session with games, worship and the final message from Matt. - Who are your sponsors for this event?
This year we are being sponsored by Claim your Campus. We have been partnering with them throughout the year to help our students learn about praying for their schools and campuses through CYC’s app. We will have some time of extended prayer during the weekend, prompted by our friends at Claim your Campus.