
Life is Better Together

The invitation of Jesus is not only to believe, but to come and follow Him as well. A disciple is someone who has accepted that invitation and made the choice to orient their lives around who Jesus is, what Jesus has done, and what Jesus is still doing in the world today. The goal of our adult ministry is to come alongside you in your commitment to follow Jesus and help you take that next step in your relationship with Him.

The Bible Recap

In 2025, we are inviting the whole church to read through the entire Bible together from beginning to end. We believe that as disciples, followers of Jesus, we are called to be in rhythm with God and one of the main ways that we do that is by staying firmly rooted in the study of God’s Holy Word. What better way to do it than together with a community of believers? To read through the Bible over the next calendar year, we will be using Tara Leigh-Cobble’s, The Bible Recap. For ways to access The Bible Recap, please click the link below.


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